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Why Claims Get Denied

Filing an Appeal

Appeals for Social Security Disability and Supplemental Security Income Disability Claims often face denial, with a national denial rate of about 65% on first submissions, mainly due to the stringent definition of disability. Common reasons include insufficient medical evidence, non-compliance with prescribed therapy, and income exceeding allowable limits. For instance, a claim might be denied if medical records don't sufficiently document the disability, or if the claimant is still engaged in work that's considered substantial gainful activity.

A man is holding a baby in his lap in a garden.

Insufficient Evidence

Claims often get denied due to lack of adequate medical evidence proving the disability's severity and impact on work capabilities.


Failure to adhere to prescribed medical treatments or therapies can lead to claim denial, as it implies potential for improvement in the condition.

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Excess Income/ Resources

Earning more than the SSA's stipulated income limits or having resources above the allowable threshold can result in denial for SSI claims.

Turning Denials into Approvals

Appealing a disability claim can be complicated, and many claims are initially denied. However, an initial denial doesn't mean it's over. Getting help from a professional can greatly increase your chances of winning an appeal. We understand the detailed requirements of the Social Security Administration and can make sure your claim has strong medical evidence and meets all necessary criteria. We're skilled in managing the entire appeal process, from the first reconsideration to hearings, and offer personalized advice and support. For example, if your claim was denied because of insufficient evidence, they can help you collect and submit more complete medical records to improve your appeal.

A man is holding a baby and feeding fish in a pond.
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